Sep 16Liked by Chiara

I'm an indirect light person, myself, deep in the throes of conditioning, with incredibly erratic eating, sleeping, and resting/working periods right now. I've fully surrendered to the framework of, "if I'm awake right now, my body must have a good reason for it." I check in with my body—do I need to eat? Is there something I want to be doing for some reason at night, when my cognition is primed? (Which is concurrent with my wondering if indirect light folk are primed for some level of nocturnalism.) Once I've satisfied the want, which is sometimes a meal, sometimes chipping away at my HD example data spreadsheet, testing out an experimental astrological technique, I find I go to sleep readily.

I do know that where I live, and how my apartment is structured and decorated, suits my environment variable very strongly, so I know I'm in a good place here on that basis. From there, I figure if there is energy, then there is something that energy wants to be spent on.

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interesting point, and I have been contemplating too whether this is indirect related... I was contemplating adding that note in here too. I guess, if it were - would I feel better in my body about it? Like the lack of sleep does get to me and doesn't feel particularly good in my body. But who knows if this is some kind of transition period where my body is readjusting to a new cycle and rhythm. I definitely notice I can't sleep if I'm hungry or on am empty stomach. Actually right now I had another night of little sleep and now I'm making dinner type food at 6am 😂

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Sep 16Liked by Chiara

Oh gosh, it's total food chaos here. I've been in a strange kind of fast (compared to how I used to eat) for close to three months now, eating an average of one meal a day, usually a late dinner. I find I'm not hungry until a couple hours after dark. and sometimes when I wake up at 4 or 5 am I eat breakfast and then go back to sleep. I check in with my authority on what to eat, so it's whatever I'm wanting, if that's cheese raviolis with chicken and sauteed arugula and a glass of white at 5 in the morning, that's what I'm doing. If I want waffles for dinner, that's what I'm doing. My body knows what it needs. If I need to not eat for more than a day, I trust that and end up 'catching up' later, without any ill effects. I haven't had any desire to take supplements or anything, and my body is really good about telling me if it needs a bit of extra magnesium or vit E or B vitamins.

My body shape changed in the initial 3 weeks, and it stopped at what I've always felt like the most 'me' shape is. It's so funny, it's totally arbitrary, it's one dress size, and I hold my tum now with a great sense of "Ah, here I am again, it's good to be back." I felt the same way after my hysterectomy—ah, here I am—even though there was no outward change lmao.

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Have you ever tried humming? When I was a teenager I was bullied at school and didn't want to go to school and thus developed insomnia. One night, out of nowhere, I started humming to myself. I choose 'Someone like you' by Adele, because it was slow en i could drag out the notes. It was very soothing and I almost always fell asleep after humming three lines. Recently I found out that humming calmes down the nervous system, that our body know which song we should hum because each song has different vibrations when humming and the body knows which you need to get your body relaxed and in tune. i don't know if you have tried this? But it could work?

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I love this and it totally makes sense. I feel like the insomnia is mostly psychological or related to some underlying anxiety... it's weird because I don't *feel* particularly anxious, but perhaps my body is showing me signs? And like, if you think about - falling asleep requires such deep trust, the ability to let go, to allow your body to sleep. I deeply believe the body DOES know how to sleep/eat/digest and that when those things aren't happening on their own accord, there is something going on under there. Anyway, appreciate the insight! <3

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It is so comforting to see all of my issues written down by another, makes me feel less weird and alone! My open head (and undefined spleen + ego) is really bugging me at night. I have struggled since I was a teen, now I’m close to coming off the roof and have entered perimenopause.

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